Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!

So yesterday was my birthday and it was my first one away from home. When I first got here I thought that my birthday was going to be the hardest day for me... but it wasnt because of my wonderful roommates. This is what I woke up too! My roommates Sam and Ash decorated the whole house for me so it would feel more like my birthday.

There was a couple "Happy Birthday" sighs up at our house.
Streamers and balloons were everywhere you looked.

Tons and tons of balloons!!!

Amy and I went out to lunch together to have a fun birthday lunch!!

Then later that night I had a little party. Pizza, games and junk food! hahaha

Some of the girls that came! I should of taken more pics but I was having so much fun that I forgot to do that.. sorry!

This is my amazing roommates Sam! She is a big reason why I love it here so much! We are becoming really close friends ( I am going to take more pictures of my roommates so that all of you can see who I live with now.) The boy is a new friend of mine his name is Kevin he is super nice!

When the party was about to be over my cousin William pulled out a cake and everyone sang to me. I was so embarrassed!!! But it was so fun!! I want to say thank you to everyone that helped make my birthday one I will remember for a long time!! I love all of you guy!!

P.S. I start school next tuesday and I am so excited!!!!


Jenny at LGN said...

HOORAY for good friends and roommates! It looks like you had a blast! Happy Birthday, sweetie! We love and miss you!!

Love, Jen and Michael and the girls

The Baldwin's said...

Hey Melanie, I'm one of Kristine's friends in Missouri and I thought I'd check out your blog:) I'm so glad you had a good Birthday, your sister misses you and talks about you a ton! You are such a cute Aunt to her kids too! Hopefully I'll meet you someday soon! Have fun in Utah....go find a "Spoon Me" you'll love it!

The Komendas said...

happy birthday mel!!! looks like you had a bomb day! also hope School was Awesomly awesome!!!